Thursday, February 05, 2004

Im afraid I really have nothing to say but Im trying to be more like the wordy worldly interesting-type bloggers I see out there in the www (or somethin like that)

Too bad im gonna fail...

We tried to fix the 60 PC's on the floor that are refusing to take the SMS client. I thought that the culprit was the novell client because I tested like 5 that reinstalation of the novell client fixed but after the helpdesk touched 60 PC's we still have about 30 unworking...Im going to have to co-ordinate with the Network analysts again to do some testing and find out what the problem is now that we know its not bad novell instalations. I hope the director of IT is happy enough with only 30 un-working. I think that 30 out of 450 is not so bad...And theres going to be less everyday.

In other news Im due for a raise and I need to go do some telecom stuff at the corp building.


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