Monday, April 11, 2005

Did all you bloggers know today is "write your memoirs day"?

Yeah. I heard it on the radio.

Today I am going to spend hundreds of dollars (Just so I can look back on this in 50 years and say, "yeah, that was when you could actually buy something for hundreds of dollars.")

Heres the breakdown:

Bills $500
NBA Jams 2004 29.99
4x4x3 trough
tomato cages
4 tomato plants
potting soil
phosphorous fertilizer

Im going to make a small tomato garden and put it on my porch. With my porch all nice and plastic'ed its been staying about 55-75 in there. So I figure I'll be able to plant my 4 tomato plants and extend the Minnesota growing season by at least 2 months. Hopefully Ill be able to get the tomatoes to live and bear fruit indefinitely.

Did you know tomatoes are perennials? Me neither. (good thing I checked my botany book).


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