Friday, October 28, 2005

Sandra Day Oconnor is such a bigot, in probably the most sexist statement Ive heard this year she says, "Its very important that Im replaced by a female cheif justice".

Men of the world, we need to unite and stand up for our rights! Let women know that sexism works the other way too. Dont let them make you think they have any more right to anything than you!

No more right to the chief justice position, no more right to the last turkey leg at thanksgiving, no more right to anything.

Now, you ladies out there pro'lly dont like what Im saying now. But think about it, shouldnt a Person be judged on their own merrits and have their sex excluded from the equation? I know you think they should.

Please tell Sandra Day where to go!

Friday links:

Star Wars Printable Masks

Zork 1,2, and 3 (I beat all these when I was like 8-10)



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