Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well. Working for 14 (13.5 actually I left at 9:30)hours wasnt so bad. I even went to bed about 1:10.

However, It doesnt leave alot of time for things to happen for me to blog about.

I got alot of work done though.

Ya'll should hop over to www.last.fm and check out the service they offer. I signed up for the free portion (big suprise) and for that you get:

Music Tracking, it tracks every song, every band, how often I play them, my favorite bands and my favorite songs-Based on how much I play them in winamp with their little plugin running.

Also it compiles a radio station based on what you listen to, then streams it to a client they have, if you choose.

Kudos to Sabrina because she had it and I ganked it from there. Thanks Sabrina.

Woot. Check out the charting Im doing on the bottom of my page with it. Sweet huh?


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