Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Whats so hard to understand?

USER Are you there? I have an issue with the excel pending spreadsheet - I know you were working with Steph yesterday - I tried accessing it this morning and it says it's locked up by Tambi - pls help!! my extension is 56801
Robert Schultz Tambi is inside it
Robert Schultz only one person can be editing it at a time
Robert Schultz Call up tambi and ask her to get out
USER This spreadsheet is suppose to be a 'shared' spreadsheet - aren't multiple users allowed then? I did talk w/Tambi and she will need to be using it for awhile since there were issues yesterday
Robert Schultz multiple people editing a file is impossible unless your using sql or something like that...think about it if you all change the file on your workstations and you all change the data then save you will all save different data to the same file name.
Robert Schultz then it will corrupt and be no good
Robert Schultz make sense?


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