Friday, February 06, 2004

So anyway I stayed up way to late last night. I had to drop the GF off at her job at 10:30. Then I stopped over at Greggs where low and behold he was doing a winXP install. So of course he didn't let me leave there until 1. Then I went home and played civilization 3(The most complicated yet addicting game ive played in awhile) until about 2.

Then I passed out.

And then to make matters worse my GF had reset the alarm clock so it wasn't set for 6:50 like it was spose' to be...Luckily my internal clock must be pretty accurate because I got up at 7:10, I was having some funky dream about being with the Australian Prime Minister during the beginning of a nuclear war...All I could think of in the dream was that if I was with the American President we would be safe in a bunker and that it was too bad I was stuck in Australia.

Today is my day to answer phones on the helpdesk which is good because considering how much sleep I got I dont feel really motivated. Ive been here for 20 minutes and no one has called or submitted a support ticket since Ive been here.

Oh sorry...My coworker was talking about her bowling game and it was pretty somniferus.

In other news Im supposed to convert all my stuff here over to winXP and theres some phone programming to work on. I dont know how motivated I am tho...I guess we will see how well the company provided Caffeine Pills will combat my lethargy.

Ill proll'y post some links or something fun in a bit.


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