Friday, January 06, 2006

How bout this nerd-type post-

I got my new server up last night.

Heh...Its old name was WEB_1. Now its named robodahobo.

But seriously:

dual intel xeon 700's
512 mb DIMMS
3) 30.6 gb ultra SCSI drive raid "zero-ed" for 105 gb's (Im not sure how that math works) in the hotswap bay (I have room for 3 more...but then Id hafta rebuild the RAID and I dont want to do that)
Dual power supplies.

Total cost to me= $0

I put it in the basement with no monitor/mouse...

But that let me clean alot crap off my machine. And now everyone can run ISO's off there and can delete them off their workstations. I also stuck all my mp3's on there...Kids should dig that...

I think they called that "Junk" when they asked me if I wanted it.


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