Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Well, News first. Philosophy second.

The VP who pretty much fired everyone I knew and liked at my corporation got the ax today.

Im not unhappy about it.

I know who always halved the raise my immediate bosses recommended for me and wrote his initials by it.

Couldnt have happened to a nicer guy.

Thats the news, heres the philosophy:

I was having an argument with my friend last night over perception. I said it was invalid, useless and frustrating. And that no perception of anything was completely valid, therefor no perception was valid and it was all a trick of the mind.

He said perception is EVERYTHING and it was a useful tool to control yourself and others.

I countered with my knowing that my perception is skewed gives me power over it not to be manipulated, even by myself. And that I would rather see things as they "truly are" although I never will be able to.

What side of the fence are you on about all this?


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