Thursday, August 25, 2005

I must say, I love that "Going Tribal" show, I dont know if you have seen it but basically this English guy travels the world and stays with a bunch of savages(My wife tells me calling them savages is very non-PC) for a month and adopts their crazy savage ways.

The dudes name is Bruce Parry and he is way more hardcore than Ill ever be.

So far ive watched the show twice and the guy is always getting messed up by whatever native mode is locally accepted. I was watching one last week and he asked these Indonesian cannibals "so how do you guys make one of these giant bamboo pipes", (Id call it a bong) they showed him and then loaded the one he made up with some local grass or something, he started smoking it, gagged and said, "God, that was a huge hit!, cough cough". I laughed.

He also tried to invert (basically put the thing back inside) his penis but he sorta turned blue, puked and almost passed out when they tried to do it to him.

I laughed some more.

Anyway the guy is nuts. Catch his show. Next week hes digesting an overdose of hallucinogenic root that will make him trip for three days with some savages in Africa.

Good stuff.


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