Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I think I am the only person who actually reads books anymore.

01/30/2007 10:52 PM
Film Advice from 'The Source'

The Good: (Dont miss it)
Kingdom of Heaven - wow
The Guardian - didnt expect it, but great flic
The Departed - Even Leo was impressive
Lucky # SLevin - great story
A Scanner Darkly - Robert Downey Jr is brilliant. same writer as Minority
Report, Total Recall, Blade Runner

The Bad: (entertaining but not great)
Devil Wears Prada - Gisel is in it
Idiocracy - not bad, dax shepard saves this movie
Invincible - whalberg is a dud, but everyone else is good
Employee of the month - dax shepard saves this movie
Talladega Nights: not bad, but may grow after multiple screenings

The Ugly: (Dont Bother)
Black Dahlia - WTF
The Wickerman - no acting
Superman Returns - making superman into a whining, adulterer, peeping tom
Miami Vice - WTF. Gay. Collin Farrell solidifies himself as a retard, and
Jaime Foxx sold his soul for one movie to make 100 horrible pieces of shit

Can't Hardly Wait (To See):
Pan's Labyrinth

Actually Phillip K Dick didnt write total recall, it was adapted from a short story called "We Can Remember it for you Wholesale" But there was a team of writers that worked on it. Also Blade Runner was adapted from a novelette by Dick called "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep", in which the main character actually finds out that he himself may be an android without his knowledge. Ive read the original and trust me it only loosely resembles Blade Runner.

A Scanner Darkly is a direct translation of the book and other than some omissions is identical to the book minus a few chapters.

I only bring this up because Im the biggest PK Dick fan in MN.



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