Sunday, June 29, 2008

Good Morning.

I was going to talk about some of my ancestry for bit today.

Not the Schultz's, or really anyone from my fathers side(or half of my mothers ancestry for that matter), but The Tomkowski's, who I heard used to have another name before they got here (here being America), Tomgotzchi or something like that. (I really dont know how to spell it)

Anyway Im pretty sure they were some of these people, Evidenced by the fact my grandmother's relatives all look alot like them, including myself.

Now is that some interesting stuff or what?

Prolly not huh?

Anyway heres a song, I need to take a shower and clean up some messes I made and goto the beach, and I need to work on a computer Ive had since Thursday. Im so bad about putting stuff off sometimes.

Motograter_No_Name.mp3 (5.2 MB)

Have a good day.


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