Monday, June 30, 2008

Good Morning.

There was a UFO outside my house last night, It was like a super bright start that zigged and zagged around the sky while flashing white to blue to red. I watched it for about 45 minutes from about 11:30 until 12:15. It just kept zigging and zagging. I know what an airplane looks like and it definately wasnt that. I know what a sattellite looks like and it definately wasnt that either.

The boys got out a pair of binoculars(I wish my telescope wasnt busted) and it looked pretty much the same through that so whatever it was it was WAY WAY up there. Melissa was throwing a screaming fit about it and I was telling her not to be afraid of space aliens because she was prolly bigger than them.

But I had to goto bed so I didnt get a chance to watch it "leave"

Pretty neat tho.

In other news my feet are full of burrs from the beach yesterday. Ouch. That sucks huh?

Gotta go! Have a great day!


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