Melissa: Theres a dead cat in garage number 2.
Me: Huh? One sec, Im on the fone.
Melissa (runs off to play)
Me: Ok...Whats this now...A dead cat in garage number 2?
Johnny: Thats what Tristan says.
Me: Do we know whose cat it is?
Everykid in the neighborhood: NO!
Me: Do we know who has garage 2?
Melissa: The people moved out. The garage is shut and locked.
Me: Hrm, that makes it the do nothing landlord's problem. Grrr.
Melissa: Yeah
Me: wait a minute. How do we know theres a dead cat in there if its shut and locked?
Johnny: Tristan saw it go in there.
Me: But it had to be alive then right? Dead cats dont really "go" anywhere.
Some neighborhood kid: Yeah, Ive heard tristans lies before.
Me: So no one here has seen any dead cat with their own eyes?
Kids: NO.
Me: Later then, its prolly an urban legend. Lemme know if you can ever confirm its existance.