Friday, June 27, 2003

OMG! never ever ever eat 3 McDonalds Breakfast Borritos in one day. I have been to the bathroom 4 times in the past 2 hours. Ugh...

Thats about all...Hopefully I will get my DHTML projects done this weekend so I can have something substansial to post here soon. (I promise)

Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Heres a picture of a tornado that touched down in my general vicinity

we had a giant storm roll throught the state last night like the whole middle of MN on the weathermap was red and yellow...If I had been thinking I woulda got a picture

damn non thinking head!
-bashes head into ground-

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Heres something for everybody who doesn't leave a comment

Monday, June 23, 2003

Well looks like Asa finally got a blog (Im such a trend setter...) Now he needs a comment thing...Ive been pretty happy about the ones I got from but now that I say that I see they are down. Asa is a figgan JINX!
The site with the tubing pictures is up...Made a cool java thumbnail viewer for it.

But dont bother going to it unless your running 1024x768


fish cam is down right now...Sorry...Its storming here and I dont wanna have the cam up.

Saturday, June 21, 2003

Well the underwater cameras seemed to work pretty well. I got alot of cool pictures while we tubing. Dragon flies, and eagle and its nest, going in and coming out, lots of fun pictures of the kids.

:^D all and all it was a great time. It rained towards the end and melissa got cold but mostly the kids didn't whine. Nobody got sunburnt except or Jen (who refused to wear sunblock. I highly recomend that bullfrog crap...worked all 5 hours for me ad I got a bit of a tan but no burn....

God I hope those pictures turn out...Im gonna take the cams to walmart 2morrow.

Well i think im gonna work on a dhtml project now...incidently Less Than Jake is cool.

Why are people such jerks? There I am talking to Asa on Imer, minding my own business when some SN I dont even know starts Iming me:

elreydelmundo67:F*** you! you F***ing F***er
me:Nice vocabulary
elreydelmundo67:oh yeah? F*** you too
me:are you twelve?
elreydelmundo67:Im your moms age +12
me:in dog years?
elreydelmundo67:F***in F*** you then, your bot is a F***ing piece of S***
me:numbers dont lie, "Bots user count: 22212 users Ranking: #4 Shared Mods: 7736 users - rank #2", that means 7736 botmasters have imported code developed for grltalky
me:you realize Im just gonna post this and make you look like the low brow moron you really are deep down inside.


So if anybody wants to give this guy a ring on AIM go right ahead...tell him to maybe sit down and read a book or something.

and then I went back to talking to Asa...who shortly thereafter had to leave...He said he is doing well and he had just taken a high speed/pursuit driving class...He also said he was on a pitifully slow 56K connection. Poor guy...His laptop will get in next week but I dont think he has anything to look forward to in the way of a faster internet connection.

Friday, June 20, 2003

I am scheduled to go tubing 2morrow down the crow wing river. I think I will go buy one of those waterproof disposable cameras and Ill post some pics of my trip(It takes 4-5 hours or so). Wont that be fun!

Heres a picture of somewhere on tubing track(google image search is rad):

-I think I mighta pushed that site offline...

:^( sorry guys...I need to think twice about pulling pictures from other sites-
new address for the fish cam.


I wonder if charter is getting PO'ed at me...geeze its just a fish cam...

(nobody but me is ever watching)

Thursday, June 19, 2003

OK...So tonight Im working by myself in the old PCO doing old PCO stuff (most of which I dont understand)...And what happens at 5:02?

The mail server croaks. ugh.

So I call people and get caught in the middle of network analyst BS. Double ugh.

Since the mailserver came back up its pretty quiet tho. I scrapped doing AS/400 tapes because I after I log in i cant seem to figure out how to get to the "section" I want to be in to look at the tapes...They taught me how to do it but didn't show me the log and pick your section part. I told my boss that it wasn't happening and he seemed pretty fine with that(altho I used the excuse that it was cause of web server down-ness). My boss is a rightous fellow. But it seems like there is so much more todo when sean(the guy whyo trained me) is here...I must be missing a ton of stuff. I dunno. 2morrow I guess I hafta fill out a report for a time when the server croaked. I would do it now but I already made an outline with times and I dont know where the database Im suppose to log it into is...

se la vi (sp?,anyone)

well i guess I could go check the dev room and the IIS services on a couple of machines are supposed to be stopped yet but I didn't want to do that too early. My major concern was the trade file but that went no problem. Which is cool because that rightous fellow my boss said it was the only thing I had to really worry about (Im pretty sure the web rollouts are fairly important as well and those seemed to go fine.)

I told sean I would also swap out a few monitors in the dev server room. So I guess I have time for that.

Well Im not scheduled to be at work until 2 but Im gonna go in at 11:00/11:30. Im sure there is work to be done.

:^D Fish cam is up too.
Messed with the layout and the scrollbars a bit...I need to get to bed...working late has the unfortunate disadvantage of making me stay up later.



Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Well, after trying the ports for telnet (23) VNC (5500,5800,5900),PC anywhere(5631) and yahoo IM (supposedly 5000,50001), none of which worked I got the fish cam working at work via the real audio port (554)

so the fish cam is currently active and accessible to me at work....(the link below should still work)
Dammit! I cant watch my fish cam at work due to anal network policies...seems the port I am operating on is closed on the firewall. That blows.

I suppose I could put it on port 80 but then I think alot of other would stop working from my house. :^(

Added a gradient bar to break up the posts a bit...

should I keep it?

well after sleeping most of the day I find I must goto sleep again...Long day 2morrow...

Ill try and have the fish cam up :^D

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Stayed home sick today...Had intestinal problems.

Added a coment thing to the blog too...

Its super hot and humid here now...The Gf is complaining...Ill need to put those damn air con units in this weekend...There goes my electric bill.


More worthless blog filler:
A is for Apple

Monday, June 16, 2003

Sweet put up a webcam

Frank "the fish" Cam
well the votes are in, that random image post header is gone. I voted to keep it but dave chrisinger and someone else didn't agree, Im outvoted 2 to 1! ack, well If anybody wants to see it come back the poll is still active.

oh...and work sucks...stupid lotus server migration!

Sunday, June 15, 2003

Gregg had me hang plastic. blech.
Now Im watching TV with the GF.
Waiting for J. harrington to stop by.


if you want check out Primitive Ways

OK...I have to help Gregg do something at his house. The only detail Gregg mentioned was, "above my head.". Whatever that means.

Please vote on the cheesy webcomics poll thingy.



Keep the Random Image Post Header?




Well Its fathers day. I know for a fact that jen and the kids got me something...I just dont know what. I hope its a belt.

I added this goofy random image thing I stole from

Im off to show melissa something.
Changed some stuff around and added that banner thingy...Poo.

Friday, June 13, 2003

Hee Hee. If anybody wants to submit dan moore photoshopped heads I would be more than happy to post them.
Yeah so I did another one here it is:

Never underestimate a desperate chriminal


curtesy of the fine folks at

HA HA! Dan Moore hooked me up with a hundred mb hub for home so I can get rid of that 10 mb peice of junk im using!

3 cheers for Dan Moore
Hip-Hip Hooray!
Hip-Hip Hooray!
Hip-Hip Hooray!

Kudos to you my friend!

Wednesday, June 11, 2003

YAY! I got half the day off. Ill be going home at 12 maybe me and jen and the kids can goto the beach or something.


Tuesday, June 10, 2003

Well I was bored so I photoshopped this lovely image of my friend Dan Moore.

Hee hee

har har...Click the picture to goto his webpage.(Its not leather but its still wacked)

Anyway, yeah, I have this administration position at runabot and one of the things I do there is administer the message board.

Well these 2 goons(probly 13 year old kids) come and post to like every thread in tech sup and then complain cause I ban them. Even though they were making it imposible to tell which treads where new and which'uns were old. Effectively bringing me supporting the runabot users to a complete halt.

Grrr. If youd like to see an example of their moronity check this:


Do you like Johnny Cash?

I do. Check his new video on launch

Check his new video on launch (Its a NIN cover)

Monday, June 09, 2003

I have been filing my nails at work for the past hour...

I wish someone would submit a call I could work on


I even did a special project.

Thursday, June 05, 2003

Well finally got that other blog up that dave schultz(a helpdesk guy I work with) has been nagging me about... I would give you guys the url but its of a rather sensitive nature.


Wednesday, June 04, 2003

1500 (357 unique visitors) views on my webpage since april. Pretty cool!

Waiting for the network analysts to do something about messed up login scripts. GRRRR. "we will just use these scripts and everything will work automatically."

what a load of bunk!

ugh Ive had people not mapping their drives because of these stupid scripts for 3 weeks now! (and I know the NA's will say, "we were never told that". and I did tell them. A number of times, I mean besides the fact that you should check and see if the stuff you roll out works.)

maybe I should start looking at them closer (even though its not my job to fix scripts) and I can figure out whats wrong with them.



Tuesday, June 03, 2003

A Lesson Learned

So there I was having a smoke break with a couple of guys who work the custodial end of the company I work for. One of whom is an older guy about 50.

Like a fool I started giving him crap about being old.

He comes back with "I have more power in my pinky finger than you have in your whole body"

So then my mouth started running again. Like a fool.

"O YEAH! lets arm wrestle right now on the hood of (the other guy)Lonnie's car!"

"lets do it" he says.

So we did...And he completely destroyed me.

so kids just cause you have 40 pounds and 25 years on some old guy it dont mean you can beat him at armwrestling.

I hope for your sake you dont hafta learn the hard way like I did that those old people can be some of the strongest most determined buggers on the face of the earth. (or maybe Im just a weakling and thats why he beat me...Its all relative.)


Driving Directions from here to johnstown, PA (my native land)

I would have posted that stuff about mary and fil last night but blogger went down. Blogger sux (JKJKJK)
Last night I talked to my Great Aunt Mary and my Great Uncle Fil (Im pretty sure his real name is Felix, In case you were wondering about the spelling there...and if Im wrong, cause I could be, maybe one of my cousin's will let me know). It was alot of fun I talked to my cousin Cindy too. I was amazed they called. I havent spoken to them in ages. It was a hoot!(although I was entirely surprised they called me)

Sounds like all is well in Johnstown, PA tho. Which is good. I sometimes pray for the place I grew up...From what i read its pretty depressed. I only hope Fil and Mary weren't fibbing about doing well.

I know I should write more but I spent all my artistic talent for the evening by sending my other cousin joyce an email.

and also its 1:02 in the AM