Saturday, September 29, 2007

The job interview went ok. It sure would be nice if I got it. Looks not so hard too. Not that many computers, abunch of robots interfacing via serial cables... :^) It appears they are the sort of place where they will have a second set of interviews also and I think they will call me back (Lets cross our fingers).

In other news, the kid who hit me with the crabapple moved out, him and his family of misanthropes moved to Oklahoma. So long. You left me with so many good memories...

The real reason I mention this is because some other neighbors of mine pulled some kinda crappy move and moved a bunch of junked tv's and furniture into those people who moved out's apartment and garage. I assume in an attempt to make the landlords think that the others had left it.

Wow is that ever jerkish or what?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I have a job interview on friday. Looks alright. Wish me luck.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ugh. I am trying not to go back to sleep but I believe I will fail.

Stupid late computer parts are supposed to be in today.


Cant sleep....zzzzz.....cant sleep...zzzzz


I better drink some pop or something...

Monday, September 24, 2007

yay! Only 2 more episodes of Martha Jones. She appearently leaves the Doctor and goes back to medical school. I dont mind Martha Jones so much. Its just that she isnt Rose Tyler.

Anyway yeah she will be replaced by Donna Noble played by Catherine Tate. I like Catherine Tate. She is sorta funny(In an english, I dont get it half the time, way), and shes much bustier than Martha Jones. Heheh.

But still she isnt Billie Piper.

Well thats enough hyper nerdiness for the day. TTYL!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sorry Ive been spending all my time at the aquariacentral forums

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Well I did the water change.

I took the goldfish out (He was bottom resting and I figured It was prolly the increased salt levels.), we pulled him and I smashed him with a hammer.

Not really. We put him in John's 20 gallon with a black moore and the 2 of them seem to be doing well together.

Then I went and bought a pleco. Hes just a small guy but someday maybe he might be the biggest fish in the tank. Theres some amazing pictures out there on the internet...Fish 2 feet long and junk. If he gets that big supposedly I might have a problem with him eating other fish. However everything says the angel should be eating the guppies and harassing the tetras and its not at all.

Sorry pork I know your sick of hearing about fish.

Also Ill try to get around to fixing that blog and reposting its address. (In case some of you might have missed it the last time around) But Im not making any promises.


Have a good day.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I am very sleepy lately.

I shouldnt be.

I have stuff todo.

Like fix my other blog.

Water change the fish.

Do the dishes.

I also havent heard back from the tool and die place about that job I applied for. The other one I applied for stops taking applications on the 29th.


Monday, September 17, 2007

been playing too much frets on fire and I decided I like Freezepop

Dont make fun of me.

Also I have been having some issues with my cell fone.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

We did a living room foto shoot :^)

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Friday, September 14, 2007

My crab is hard to photograph. In general I find aquarium photography to be a giant pain. When I had the ant farm set up it wasnt any different I guess.

For this I had to stand on a stool like 7 feet away from the aquarium (fiddler crabs are very skittish I guess) and use the zoom right at the limit of its optical personality. But I wanted a nice pic of the crab out of the water.

Im feeling better today tho still alittle stuffed up. Thank you everyone for the well wishes.

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

Still Incredibly sick.

Going back to bed.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I am sick as a dog today. Fever/sore throat. Im going to go back to bed in a minute.

Yesterday there was a bird on my screened in porch. I had to open the door and kinda scare it out by waving my arms around. That was exciting. The cat (Unfortunately) was not around to help me out (It was outside).

I hate letting my cat outside. Its so dangerous out there. But she was an outside cat when I decided to take her in so I guess I must continue to let her out. Until winter hits anyway.

Also we gave her some catnip that my friend grows and that he brought over last night and Melissa and John laughed their butts off at that. They thought it was pretty funny and cute.

But anyway I am sick and Im going back to bed.

Have a nice day!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, no one has anything to say about bad religion I guess.

Well goto hell then.

Lets see...What else is new? Nothing really. I burnt myself bar-b-q-ing yesterday. Maybe Ill be like some other blogger we know and post a picture of it.

New fry! I have about 5 or 7 new baby guppies. Im going to do a 25 percent water change on them and the community tank today...Buckets of water are warming up as we to speak.

I hope everyone has a great day.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bad Religion: Struck A Nerve

Friday, September 07, 2007

The news is:

My washer is broken(I think my wife is calling the repair guy, normally Id look at but its newer and nicer than previous washers weve had-read here front loading-and I dont wanna get knee deep in something Ive never seen before)

The crab has molted...So thats pretty sweet! From what I read it means hes healthy.

I let some stray cat onto my porch. Meh...Its starving and prolly about 10 months old. What else can I do. It might be Jesus in disguise. Tricky Tricky Jesus. I named it Morris, Melissa has been calling it Kiki. I like Morris better.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

I am at the point where all the male guppies have the same physical characteristics! I got 3, all with the same fin shape, colors and roughly size(one is younger than the other 2). There are slight differences but you can tell their linage is the same.



I need to be on the lookout for the infamous "bent back female"

eugenics is like cool and stuff...On guppies.

Maybe Ill post some pics. But prolly not cause it sounds like a pain.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Last night I was helping my daughter bring her bike onto the porch at about 9 PM. And out of nowhere I get hit with something, something someone threw.

I start looking around for the culprit, Im sure I had steam pouring out my ears...When I see the neighbor kid winding up and throwing something, sure enough it hits my house behind me.

Me, in my meanest scareyest, -Im going to come over there and punch your lights out voice- , "Are you throwing rocks over there?"

Kid, "They arent rocks"-admission of guilt-all over-


Kid, "Im sorry"


Kid, "Im sorry"


Kid, "Im sorry"


What an imbecile, he acted like he never considered the possibility that he might hit me when he was whizzing crab apples at me and my house.

Good thing he was saying sorry or it could have gotten alot uglier. You would think 14 year old kids would be alittle smarter than to be throwing stuff in the general direction of his neighbors (The kids house is about 50 feet from mine)...I know when I was a kid doing stupid crap like that I wouldnt do it near my house...

Anyway....Yeah...Im on the lookout for that kids parents today in case he went balling to them about how the big bad neighbor guy was threatening him.

Because I would sure like to have a word with them too. But im fairly certain he wont be chatting them up with the story.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


All that went well.

And I started an exercise regime. Meh. I am too fat.

End of transmission.

Monday, September 03, 2007

I am going to put 20 gallons of water in the sun for a water change for the fish.

Also gotta package back up the xbox 360 that is now back from MS and tests good...Pick up is at noon.

There looks like a pretty nice job opening hereabouts as well, I should apply for it.

I think id be a shoe in.