Wednesday, August 31, 2005

On the third day of waking the kids up at 7 AM they are finally used to it. No death stares, no dirty looks, no grumbling under their breath. Happy Day!

I have to goto high school orientation tonight with the 16 year old, :^P ick. I hated school when I was in it. Now I get to vicariously hate it through my children.

What fun.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yeah, It sucks for those people but it was bound to happen sooner or later.

New Orleans is like 8 feet below sea level. Of course it was bound to happen.

I feel bad for them. Ill even pray for them.

But Im not surprised for even a second.

Monday, August 29, 2005

My kids are not happy this morning. I started waking them up at 7 AM because school starts next week.

Man, What a bunch of zombies. I plan on getting them up at this time all week long. I hope it gets better than it was today. The 16 year old looked like he was gonna murder someone.


Sunday, August 28, 2005

Friday, August 26, 2005

Yes, This is my boss.

Special thanks to mssmartypants

Free Image Hosting at
I am so glad its Friday.

I couldnt take 1 more day.


Thursday, August 25, 2005

I must say, I love that "Going Tribal" show, I dont know if you have seen it but basically this English guy travels the world and stays with a bunch of savages(My wife tells me calling them savages is very non-PC) for a month and adopts their crazy savage ways.

The dudes name is Bruce Parry and he is way more hardcore than Ill ever be.

So far ive watched the show twice and the guy is always getting messed up by whatever native mode is locally accepted. I was watching one last week and he asked these Indonesian cannibals "so how do you guys make one of these giant bamboo pipes", (Id call it a bong) they showed him and then loaded the one he made up with some local grass or something, he started smoking it, gagged and said, "God, that was a huge hit!, cough cough". I laughed.

He also tried to invert (basically put the thing back inside) his penis but he sorta turned blue, puked and almost passed out when they tried to do it to him.

I laughed some more.

Anyway the guy is nuts. Catch his show. Next week hes digesting an overdose of hallucinogenic root that will make him trip for three days with some savages in Africa.

Good stuff.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My one Friend brought over some dry ice last night so we fogged my dining room. No big deal, I know, but the kids were into it.

Thats all I got for today sorry.

PS. Just ignore Franky(Franky, alot of people are complaining about you).

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I was out yesterday. I swear it had nothing to do with the fact I got a DVR from charter on Saturday and I wanted to play with it more.

But while we are on the subject of that DVR, GOD IT IS SO TOTALLY AWESOME! Its like TV made new again. On demand, what I want to watch is available (provided I told the dvr to record the show previously). I was never one who wanted a Tivo box but now that I have a Motorola knock off (Moxi) Im in love with it.

Best thing is my bill went DOWN 25 bucks.

So I now get

3.0 mb internet
399 or so channels (no hbo, showtime etc. etc.)
A normal Cable box (downstairs for the kiddies)
and the Moxi DVR in my room.

Total cost=$75 per month.

Awesome. Hang it on your ear direct tv, charter is beating you 7 ways to Sunday.
If you live in my area and have charter then call them and get a DVR!

Friday, August 19, 2005


Someone has been pilfering money out of my desk on the nights the cleaning staff is here (we recently started outsourcing the cleaning gig).

So far Im out $2.80 cents.

I brought in a web cam from home, hooked it up with some motion detector software and am going to set it to record over the weekend...

Everything is in place for me to sprint the trap on them.

Except I dont have a dollar to use as bait. Guess Im going to have to find one.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Well by the end of the day yesterday I was calmed down enough to not pawn Dustins Gamecube or make him quit his job. He is still totally locked down, and Im still kinda hurt (A feeling I expressed multiple times last night) that he would just turn around and do that. He had the standard kid excuse of "I didnt really think about that" and I told him that if he wants to be responsible for his own actions then he seriously needs to consider how other people feel about them, and that he needs to plan for the worst case scenerio when pulling something like that. He agreed that if he had planned on the cops picking him up he wouldnt have done it.

My wife and I are supposed to hand down sentencing tonight.

We will see what she comes up with.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I have a problem with my temper.

Flash back 3 weeks.

Dustin (our 16 year old son). Was supposedly sleeping. I was doing laundry. His bedroom is next door to the laundry room. I noticed his door was open and his light was on. "blah blah blah, Dustin" I said. No responce. "Dustin? Blah blah?" I continued, while walking to his room. Hmmm His room was empty.

Because he snuck out of the house.

Ok, well we start calling his buddies cell phone numbers (because Ive collected them off the caller ID for this reason) and find the one we think hes with. Convey our threats that he needs to come home and 20 minutes later, woah, there he is. Then we tell him he is grounded for 2 weeks and he can bunk with his brother John until that time is over so we know where he is. We tell him if this happens again we will yank his job at the chicken shack and really put the screws to him.

Ok. Flashback over, 3 weeks later. The time is last night 1 AM. I am in bed sleeping when Im awoken to the sound of Dustin, "Mom, can you come here for a minute. Its important"(My wife was sleeping also).

Well, Im laying there. Listening. Theres 3 voices: My wife, Dustin, and another I dont recognise. A few minutes pass, my wife doesnt return and I hear her start yelling at Dustin. Great, I think as I lumber downstairs, "whats going on?" I ask.

Well the cops brought Dustin back with a ticket for being out past curfew. The next one will cost us 200 bucks. The one after that 90 days in jail, for one of us, not him.

Screw that. He now has a 9 PM bedtime in John's spare bed. Everynight. Also Im pawning his stinking game cube, And Im making him quit his job at the chicken shack. And to top it all off, Ill bring him to the pawn shop with me. He can watch it go. Wanna fuck around? I can fuck around too. Come to think of it why dont you sit in the car all day while I fuck around at work, which you have made me an hour late for bringing the cops to my house at 1 AM, Dustin. Your lucky I didnt beat you accross our house last night like I wanted to.

Me:You want it to be like this?
Me(through a growl with the back of my hand in the air, ready to strike):then why are you making it this way?


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Well 3 things this morning.

1. My wife was sleeping pretty fitfully last night and kept waking me up(accidentally) until about 3:30-4 AM. Yawn.

2. Has anyone else been getting spam in their comments section? I have.

3. So far so good on the squirrel proofing of my feeder. 2 squirrels yesterday and neither of them got the top off. Score.

Monday, August 15, 2005

What a long weekend...Whew...Im glad its over. To recap:

Brought 13 year old kid home from being mother-in-law's slave for the past month

Played Tiger Woods 2005 on a 9'x9' screen every night (sweet)

Talked to a drunken guy who somehow showed up at my mother-in-laws house looking for a party and we found him just standing by the fire watching us play tiger woods.

Came back to a non smelly from the sewer house. Very pleased about that.

Something raided my birdfeeder while I was away, took the top out and emptied it. No seed on the ground. Im thinking it was either a racoon or a gigantic squirrel. I put a pen cap through the twisted thing the animal (might have been bigfoot) had removed and wrapped it with tin wire. We will see if whatever it was can foil that.

And now Im back here at work where I just got painted by the dudes painting the buiding.(and that sux)

OH and nobody likes this "Totally Radd"( band I picked up from Sabrina_C. (but I love them).

Thursday, August 11, 2005

My sewer in my basement has been belching noxious gas into my house for about four days now. I poured some water down there a couple of days ago and that helped for a bitty bit. But now its acting up again.

Im going to turn to the internet for guidence. Unless you people have a good idea how to deal with it.

In other news Im off 2morrow! YAY! Woot! Day off! But we are going to the mother in laws house for the weekend. She has recovered from her back surgery now and is having EVERYONE she knows over this weekend. So theres gonna be at least 20 people there, camping out in her yard and crap like that. Thats ok...Pleanty of fresh meat for me to kill at tiger woods golf.

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

If you see my boss, tell him to call in if he is sick...

He is MIA right now but Im assuming hes out because he mentioned something about drinking heavily last night.

I miss him.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Well, I think Ill have a good day today. Nothing overly annoying me. Some minor issues this morning with the weather and my alarm clock. But other than that everything is peachy.

I hope to devote some time to digging into some lotus notes nastyness. Calendaring and out of office agents that are not working right for a heck of alot of people so maybe Ill have time to resolve that.

Fun fun.

Monday, August 08, 2005


Come in an hour early on Monday morning.
Stayed late an hour on Friday night.

Cleaning up snafu's by other support team people.

What do I get?

Yelled at via email.


What the fuck do I care, I guess.

Friday, August 05, 2005

YAY!!!! We have been having an intra-office competition in the IT dept of my company. 7 teams about 10 people per team. Winning team gets an extra PTO day.

My team won. Eat your heart out Christy(and you too Clayton, And Schultzy, and any other IT person who isnt on my team who comes here).

Mwa ha ha ha!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

This Kinda sucks...Being up at 7:44, but having no bigger kids around to watch the little kids so I can goto work...


I read this while I was wanting to goto work

I especially liked the last paragraph...

"Overall Grade: D. Sadly, this is not a winning play for the long haul. If Dove keeps running ads like this, women will get bored with the feel-good, politically correct message. Eventually (though perhaps only subconsciously), they'll come to think of Dove as the brand for fat girls. Talk about "real beauty" all you wantÂ?once you're the brand for fat girls, you're toast."


The comments are even better...

"Dove gets a report card "D" for becoming a brand for fat chicks, eh?

Their models range from size 4 to size 12. The average woman in the U.S. wears a size 14... so all of their models are still slimmer than average.


But comment here...Not there, come to think of it...

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Going to the lake with some friends of ours tonight. Im glad the guy sold his sea-ray. The damn thing was just too fast. I would would have to say a rosary before setting foot on that thing. Now he just has a fishing boat and a pontoon so nothing thats gonna scare my socks off.

If it gets too hot for us to hit the lake then we will be taking advantage of their geothermal cooling system(Im not joking they really have one) and playing some Tiger Woods golf.

Good Times.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


I met my stupid things for Robert to do quota yesterday. I ran my car out of gas.

The funny thing is I remember thinking on Thursday, "Boy I need to get gas soon...", but then I forgot about it and didnt look at the gauge again until my car was sputtering.

Dumb Dumb Dumb.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Finnishing moving my stuff this morning. Boy do I ever have alot of plants. Those are come across though. Every last one was left by an exiting employee of my corporation. (You didnt actually think I would buy them do you?).

I invite all the people who read this blog from my company to come and lend me their thoughts on my new digs. I would greatly appritiate it.

I had a pretty exhausting weekend. Saturday I built a playhouse at my friend's (who is the father of my kid's friends), that was alot of hot sweaty work, and cleaned out our stand up freezer (a nastier job I could not find)

Other than that...MMMM...Im about to beat nethack if I could ever find that vibrating square. Which I cant but I will.