Monday, May 31, 2004

Well its memorial day and all that so if your dead I hope your enjoying your day.

Theres about 10 crickets left and the ants seem to be pretty much leaving them alone. We will see how long that lasts however because I seem to be losing about 1 or 2 of them everynight.

GF works from 9 AM today until 11 PM...Poor her. Hopefully she wont be all crabby when she gets home. She probably will be but I can still have hope, right?

Gregg Wants me to take him to fleet farm (Outdoors store) because he cant drive with his bonegraph and all... I told him maybe later.

Well Im off to do some recreational imbibery. (Is that a word?)

Friday, May 28, 2004

Well I dropped "3 dozen" crickets into the ant tank. I was hoping they wouldn't all be killed and then there would a renewable food source in there...I wouldn't have to keep sending the children out after grasshoppers and whatnot.

When I left for work at the end of my lunch it was a wholesale deathfest. Ant were each grabbing a cricket leg and moving in different directions. Then dragging the carcasses to a central location where they were being eviscerated and systematically taken inside the nest.

In another spot a cricket had made it into an seldom used sattelite tunnel. And ant was chasing it and the cricket went buck digging into the top of the tunnel. For the next 15 minutes I watched the ant dig herself to the surface and begin the fight anew.

I wonder how many crickets will be left when I get home. I hope some live in the grass on the far side of the tank from the nest.


But Idunno.

Well the kids dont have school anymore so I can sleep in until 7:20 now.

mmmmm Its nice.

Adn I still had time for a mcdonalds stop. Sausage borritoes are where its at... ICH LIEBE ES!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. :^)

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Camponotus noveboracensis

Thats my species

Wednesday, May 26, 2004

Well Im having a crappy day.

1. Getting legacy Cascade applications to work under winxp is practically impossible.
2. Receptionists should not assume that vacated offices are conference rooms especially when there are no fones or computers in said rooms.
3. The world is populated by a bunch of really really stupid people.

I should of known I would have a bad day when I passed the dead beaver carcass on my way to work (And I live in town), This guy musta been something to see in his day, must have been been pretty large cause now hes splattered accross 2 lanes and the only recognisable part of his body is his tail.

Kinda makes that dead squirrel on my street not worth mentioning.

anyway Ill leave you with this fine picture I found on the net today...Man Im jealous of that guy.(more pictures found on the net here, I figured since Im stealing this guys picture/bandwidth I could at least link to him.)

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Well I got an airhockey table for 10 bucks from Brenda B at work. WOO HOO!

Kids should love that.

Im the best practically-step-father in the world.

All you other practically-step-fathers out there can kiss my ass!

However I still wont get anything for that one day in June. Life is so unfair sometimes.


Monday, May 24, 2004

I made a new bot over the weekend (Im sure nobody cares)

Its a Parrot

It takes the 2nd thing a user inputs and adds that to the list of things the parrot says.

It has some pretty funny conversations Heres one:

me: You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses
Parr0tbot: RAWK! what! RAWK!
me: huh? tell it back to me
Parr0tbot: RAWK! Join The Slapshot Forums at! RAWK!
me: no!
Parr0tbot: RAWK! heh! RAWK!
me: I dont see whats so funny
Parr0tbot: RAWK! huh! RAWK!
me: what dont your understand
Parr0tbot: RAWK! smokers are gross have bad breath and they all need to quit! RAWK!
me: no they dont dammed parrot
Parr0tbot: RAWK! whats up! RAWK!
me: your mouth
Parr0tbot: RAWK! Grltalky! RAWK!
me: yes grltalky is talking about you
Parr0tbot: RAWK! canopenner is HOT! RAWK!
me: well thats true
Parr0tbot: RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!
me: LOL
Parr0tbot: RAWK! YOUR so sexy! RAWK!
me: you just said that
Parr0tbot: RAWK! Polly wanna cracker! RAWK!
me: bye
Parr0tbot: RAWK! heh! RAWK!


user: hey
parr0tbot: RAWK!
user: oh okay
parr0tbot: RAWK! JOHN5788 is a meany! RAWK!
user: what did he do
parr0tbot: RAWK! excuse me! RAWK!
user: stop saying rawk
parr0tbot: RAWK! WHAT IS up! RAWK!
user: nothing much you
parr0tbot: RAWK! JOHN5788 is a meany! RAWK!
user: is that all u say
parr0tbot: RAWK! huh! RAWK!
user: am i meany
parr0tbot: RAWK! ok! RAWK!


user: stupid!
parr0tbot: RAWK! r u a bott! RAWK!
user: yes i am\
parr0tbot: RAWK! k! RAWK!
user: okay now your cool
parr0tbot: RAWK! WHAT IS up! RAWK!
user: not MUCH!
parr0tbot: RAWK! lies! RAWK!
user: i do not lie!
parr0tbot: RAWK! bye! RAWK!
user: HEY!
parr0tbot: RAWK! bye! RAWK!
user: dont leave
parr0tbot: RAWK! smokers are gross have bad breath and they all need to quit! RAWK!
user: i agree
parr0tbot: RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!
user: i dont smoke
parr0tbot: RAWK! lies! RAWK!
user: are you calling me a liar?
parr0tbot: RAWK! WHAT IS up! RAWK


USER: do you have a girlfriend !RAWK?
parr0tbot: RAWK! hi! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!
USER: ah sut up
parr0tbot: RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! WHAT IS up! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! WHAT IS up! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! Join The Slapshot Forums at! RAWK!
USER: RAWK! Join The Slapshot Forums at! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! RAWK! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! Slapshot is the best! RAWK!
USER: Parr0tbot: RAWK! Slapshot is the worst! RAWK!
parr0tbot: RAWK! yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! RAWK!

Friday, May 21, 2004

My bad luck seems to be continuing(If you believe in luck, which I don't).

One of my paper robots like disintegrated today! And he was my favorite too...Ill have to fix him next week because I've been roped into going to 5th tea this afternoon (there's a school change after grade 5 here so its kinda like a graduation). I hate 5th grade tea, this is the third one I've been to and there's only one more left after this, God I cant wait until Im going to real graduations and kicking those brats out of my house(I love them dearly but I cant wait to live my life for me again.)

Well while im drinking T and eating cookies make some paper robots of your own- robots)

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

So I bought a welches cranberry juice out of one of those infernal vending machines at work today and I goto open the bottle and guess what happens?(did I say and too much there)

Theres a jagged piece of plastic on the bottle and it rips open my palm.

Im going to write welches about it. I would appritiate any suggestions you have for the scathing email.

Dammit they owe me free juice.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

What a pain.

So the Runabot board admin goes all wack. And walks.

Appearently he was was abusing whatever power a forum admin can pretend to have.

So I have bunches of work to do with keeping an eye on the runabot forums and trying to figure out a way to help Dave reorganise. Its sad the kind of madness that bots can cause. Ive seen it dozens of times.

I realize that nobody knows what Im talking about but Im used to venting here, So I guess your going to have to figure it out.


I wish you the best of luck cause Im still trying to get my head around it.


Monday, May 17, 2004

I Took the kids to the local elementary school with the metal detector yesterday for a bit'ofun. It went really well for the first half an hour until we started getting mobbed by the neighborhood kids. After that there was so much dirt flying from the mob that nothing could be found.


2 pennies
1 dime
1 hairband
1 giant staple
1 big chunk of raw iron ore
1 cheap earing with a pink platic type stone in it. (was the find of the day)

Saturday, May 15, 2004

Canopenner's Wild Kingdom

I took a video of the ants eating a grasshopper that I had thrown in there about 20 minutes earlier.

Its blurry. It sux. But I challenge anyone to post a better death scene.


Hopperdeath.avi (300 kb)
Divx Codec

Friday, May 14, 2004

Here's a pic of my new haircut.

oK...I lost 17 pounds or so in the weighloss competion. I think my stategy of getting this supershort haircut and wearing shorts and light shirt worked.

The blogbot stuff is coming along rather nicely thanks to Dave who fixed the punctuation problem and added a new system call to the runabots.

I dont know how much I like this haircut tho.

GF hates it.

-shrug-get on over to the blogbot website now. Nobody ever comments there. and its bringing me down.

Thursday, May 13, 2004



Spiffed up the aim to blog thing a bit.

used one of the new blogger templates and cut it up to make the posts seem a little more streamlined.

I dont quite know what it's good for yet but it must be good for something.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Well I looked around and low and behold here it is.

I watched it. Its shocking.

Dont watch it.

I was wondering if it took more than one chop.

It did, alot more.

I dont buy the line. But it really comes down to he said/she said anyway.

Qaeda Leader Beheads U.S. Civilian in Iraq

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Raise your hand if youve been having the "cant connect to database" error while leaving comments lately?

I was about to switch to a different service.(I believe has the fastest and most stable offered but lacks some features I dont even use with haloscan.)

But I checked the haloscan forum and found:

Haloscan Admin does database rebuild at 3AM tonight

The question then becomes, will things be better tomorrow?

SO I was playing with that email thingy and was thinking back to my golden days at

And I inserted some new code into my old robot and 'walla

Blog via aim.

Syntax is

You:log something
grltalky6:what are we logging
you:create log "whatever you want to blog here"

But I think its best to keep it short.

I was messing around with blogger tonight and came up with the idea to do this: Email Me!

You email it. It gets published to blog. I used some javascript address encryption script to keep the spambots off it. I dont know how well it will work. I guess if the address gets around too much I can always change it/edit the posts.

Could be useful for a few things. Im surprised it practically worked "out of the box".

Try it out. Lemme know what you think (via email on the blog)

Monday, May 10, 2004

Scene 1.

-Open to Robert sitting at his computer-

Robert-answering phone:Hello?
Gregg-Having just undergone bone graph:Hey Rob, Can you do me a favor?
Robert-taken aback:What?!
Gregg:Um...Im here with the kids and I can't drive and I was wonderin', Can you pick me some pizza's?
Robert-malcontent-:Yeah sure. I have to eat dinner then Ill be over. You have money?? Good! Ok...


Scene 2.

-Robert leaves for Gregg's,taking 6 year old, Melissa with him. As they leave the house, they encounter Gregg and Robert's Friend, Nate Strobel-

Nate:Hi Rob!
RObert:Hi Nate. Melissa and I were just on our way to get that invalid Gregg a few pizzas. Unless you would like to drive.
Nate:Sure, hop in.

Scene 3.

-Robert, Melissa and Nate arrive at Gregg's. Gregg is at his computer-

Robert, Gregg, Nate, Melissa:Hi.
Gregg:Melissa, you wanna stay here and play with Alexa while Rob and Nate get the pizza.
Melissa-gone from the room in a blur:Sure!
Robert-hand outstretched: Money.
Gregg:Um...yeah...heres twenty bucks.
Nate:What kind do you want?
Gregg: 2 Cheese, 2 Pepperoni/Sausage. Absolutely no vegis.
Nate:Lets Go.

Scene 4.

-Robert and Nate have aquired the pizzas and are leaving the grocery store parking lot. They pass a corner cafe-

Nate: Oh Rob! I wanna have an iced cappuccino!You want an iced capuccino too?!?
Robert:No Nate.
Nate:how about a regular coffee?
Nate:You don't want anything? Well Im stopping.
Robert:That's a bad idea Nate. Gregg's kids are waiting on these pizza's. And besides that impulse buying is bad.
Nate:Oh, it'll just take a minute.

Scene 5.

-Nate has purchased his cappuccino and He and Robert are once again about to leave the parking lot.

Nate-repeatedly turning key even though his car isn't starting:Is something wrong here?
Robert:Yeah Nate, I think your car is not starting.
Nate:Should I call my dad?
Robert:No Nate. Let's say a prayer and wait 2 minutes and try again.

-Minutes Pass-

Nate-Car turning over:Hey it started!
Robert:See Nate, you just gotta have alittle faith.

-They Pull out onto the highway running adjacent to the mall-

Nate:My car isn't running right.

-The Car dies-

Nate-Panicking:Rob! We are broke down in the middle of the road!
Robert:Yeah Nate, I noticed that, but the real problem is that I have is this toothache.
Robert:Well I think the first thing you might want to do is turn on your hazard lights.
Nate-Now in a complete panic, Hands moving frantically up and down the steering wheel:HAZARD LIGHTS! WHERE ARE THE HAZARD LIGHTS! ROB! I CANT FIND THE HAZARD LIGHTS! DO YOU SEE THE HAZARD LIGHTS!ROB!
Robert:Nope, dont see them.
Robert-Still poking at tooth:Well Nate, the light is red now, but when it turns green Im going to get out and push the car back into the mall parking lot.
Nate:Great Idea!

-The light changes green, Robert gets out and starts pushing, about 1/3rd of the way through the intersection he notices, quite forcibly, that Nate is applying the break. The light has turned red.

Robert-Entering vehicle temporarily:Why did you brake Nate?
Nate:Well, there was this car coming.
Robert:Nate, we were committed to going through the intersection at that point. You Should...
Nate:Lights green rob.

-Robert finnishes pushing the car into the parking lot. Robert calls his GF on Nates Cell Phone-

Nate:This sucks. Im sorry Rob.
Robert:Could be worse Nate. You could have a white hot firey pain in your mouth. Besides It's all Gregg's fault. And I heard he was prescribed oxycontin. I like to think we were put through all this for a reason, and Gregg's Got perscription pain meds. I think pushing your car aggrivated my toothache.

Nobody likes alligator wrestling?


On the plus side you can stalk people by interest now. GREAT! All the other alligator wrestlers out there can find me!

Seriously tho, it makes it alot nicer/easier to find new blogs. Ive already commented on a few peoples Ive found through there. Im sure they figure Im completely mad.

But anyway,I need to go add exorcisms to my interest list now.

Every Blogger should be updating their Profiles so I can see who also likes the movies, books and misc other crap I like.

Got it!?!

Friday, May 07, 2004

One thing I especially hate is the fact that when your a man, architects and contractors apparently think you don't need to shit as much as when your a woman.

I've been in women's bathrooms(after hours, late at night, or on weekends) and let me tell you one thing they are not lacking is kamodes. They also don't lack for air freshener, flowery wallpaper or signs indicating that you should do a self breast exam every month.

Case in point. The woman's bathroom in the building my desk is in.

3 cammodes! See since we men don't need to shit we only have 1. A fact that I guess is supposed to be made up for in that we have 2 urinals as well. While this might seem to be OK let me assure you its not. If we look at the entire building and break down the ratio that way then we have 2 cammodes and 4 urinals, while the women get 6 cammodes. I haven't had occasion to take a crap without waiting for someone to exit the stall in a month. I'm tired of pacing back and forth in front of the men's room with a turtle head poking out of my ass.

Why does it have to be this way? I mean I like to piss in a urinal as much as the next guy but its certainly not ideal. I'm sure every guy out there has experienced the "splashback" effect, plus they kinda reek. I don't care if someone has changed the urinal mint this month.

I demand equal but separate facilities. It might not have been good enough for the equal rights movements but it sure as hell would make me a lot more comfortable.

Additionally Id like to see more bidets. Thank you.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

My friend Gregg had a bone graph done yesterday. So me, being the good samaritan I am, I allowed him to whine and cry until I went.

But thats not what Im writing about.

Im writing about the his nurse. And the movie that was on TV while I was there.

See there's this kid, And said kid is in the ocean. Well just about then Robert Dinero pops out of the water and starts threatning the kid and asking for bolt cutters. He send the kid home and tells him to bring back the bolt cutters tomorrow. Kid actually comes back with the bolt cutter.

So while we are watching all this this nurse is trying to stick Gregg with some kind of prick so they can fill him full of more morphine.

"I think this is Great Expectations only in the present day"

I say.

Nurse chick (according to Gregg's board her name was Joy) said she never heard of it. So then I say

"Yeah, you know...", I say ,"Pip, Miss Haversham, Australian convict. Its written by that one guy. he wrote a tale of two cities, and A Christmas Carol? um..."

Nurse chick then says, "Michael Chrichton?"

"Im pretty sure its Charles Dickens"

I wanted as high quality a pic as I could get. This one seemed alright, so right click the following and open in new window.

ant farm after 24 hours

3 qtr perspective (lower quality)

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

operation new antfarm is a success.

I got about 100 workers
5 or 7 of what I think are queens
their food cache
an egg cache.
Some nice sod for the topping

all in a twenty gallon fishtank with a piece of tupperware in the middle to keep them digging on the sides. I should have pictures posted tonight.


Tuesday, May 04, 2004

I have now bought every last gatorade they had in stock at my local gas station.

Im kinda disapointed with their lack of non-sodapop thirst solutions.

34 days with no pepsi and counting. I had to buy a sobe(power) and I kinda like a sobe every once in awhile. But theres not that many of those left either.

But there are aisles and aisles of pepsi and pepsi products. I coud spend all day dreaming of.


Monday, May 03, 2004

Here is a sample of the insanity at my place of business.

I give you Dan Moore.

Dan Moore (1.08mb)
Divx Codec

I hate waking up with a toothache. It just kinda ruins the whole day.


In good news I had lasagna for dinner last night, it even was made with ricotta cheese.

mmmm yummy!

Im gonna post some of the insano video's I made of my coworkers last week around lunch time.