So some people have been calling me stupid, Im a big believer in taking bad stuff that happens to me and deriving strength from it. So I started thinking, why not roll with that punch and start posting some stories of some stupid stuff I have done over the years?
So here we go, stupid thing #1 Canopenner has done (cue flashback music):
I think I was 11, it was the summer of 1987, since we didnt have the Internet back then, I would spend most of my time outside, building dams in a nearby crick, throwing rocks at passing cars from the safety of the woods, or we spent alot of time climbing trees.
There was a landfill about 1/4 of a mile from my house, there were some trees that were right on the edge of it. They were all half dead from being buried in gravel and old refrigerators and the like, one of them had fallen, and it intersected with another tree that was still standing further down the hill. I thought it would be a fun idea to climb from the fallen tree to the one still standing and then climb up to the top of the standing tree and see what I could see from up there.
The climb out the fallen tree went great, I was still pretty level with the very top of the hill the landfill had made, I was starting to make the transition to the new tree...I was thinking that things were going pretty well, I climbed a few more branches up the standing tree. Now I could see that I was about 10 or 15 feet above the top of the landfill, making me maybe 50 feet above the bottom of the landfill. The view was great. But I wanted to go higher. I started climbing when I started to hear a crrrr---aaaack of the branches that were holding me!
I fell.
I remember the world swimming on my way down. Like I was inside a washing machine. I hit a branch here and a branch there. Bam-Boom-Ooof! That hurt! The fall seemed to take about 30 seconds.
When I hit the bottom of the landfill I was flat on my back. All the wind came out of me WOOMP! but the story doesnt end there.
I started rolling down the remainder of the hill. Once again the world whooshed by like I was in a washing machine, I could see some dirt, I could see some branches, I could sure feel the stuff stuck in the landfill while I rolled over it.
Finally I came to a rest.
As I got up I could see there was some guy rushing down the hill from the top of the landfill, he was yelling, "Hey are you ok?!!! That was quite a fall?!! are you ok?!!"
I motioned to him that I couldnt breath, since the fall had clean knocked all of the wind out of me. But otherwise, besides some scratches and bruises I was ok. Not bad since I had fallen about 50 feet out of a tree and then rolled down a hill at high speed another 30 feet or so. He helped me up the hill where my sister was waiting on my bicycle with my mother, both of whom were crying hysterically. I learned later from my friends who were there that my sister had taken my bike from the top of the hill and said "Well thats it, Robert is dead, guess this bike is mine now, I gotta go tell my mom."
Looking back on it, it was a pretty dumb thing to do. But hey, everyone does dumb stuff sometimes. Maybe next week Ill tell you guys a story about how I got cyanide poisoning one time in another episode of stupidity.
Have a great day!